
Save On Pelican HeadsUp Lite Flashlight, Black Online Store

Pelican HeadsUp Lite Flashlight, Black

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Pelican HeadsUp Lite Flashlight, Black
Regardless of the season, Pelican's new 2690 HeadsUp Lite won't leave you in the dark. With 60 lumens of LED light, 10 hours of battery burn time and weighing in at 4.1 ounces, it's brighter, more efficient, compact and lighter than other headlamps in its class. The no-nonsense rotary bezel switch is easy to operate, even when wearing bulky gloves. The 2690 is made of impact and chemical resistant ABS and it's water resistant for all-weather use. It comes with an adjustable and comfortable cloth strap, as well as a heavy duty rubber strap that will not slip off your climbing helmet. Pelican's new 2690 HeadsUp Lite is engineered for those who take the outdoors seriously.

Pelican HeadsUp Lite Flashlight, Black

  • 3 AAA Batteries(Included)
  • 10 Hours burn time
  • 60 Lumens
  • Easy to operate even with heavy gloves
  • Impact and chemical resistant

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