
you looking for cheaper Coast LED Lenser HP8407 Focusing LED Flashlight P7?

Best Cheap Coast LED Lenser HP8407 Focusing LED Flashlight P7 Web Store

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Coast LED Lenser HP8407 Focusing LED Flashlight P7 Features

  • Up to 200 lumens of light output and 64 hours of battery life
  • Beam distance of up to 689 feet
  • Lightweight and durable aluminum body
  • Three step Quick-Cycle Switch function - press for maximum light, click for high light, click again for low light
  • 4 AAA batteries and sheath included

Coast LED Lenser HP8407 Focusing LED Flashlight P7 Overview

Coast Cutlery P7 Tactical LED Flashlight is designed to provide efficient lighting. It features one handed speed focus and a three step Quick-Cycle switch. [else][endif] [if
  • Up to 200 lumens of light output and 64 hours of battery life
  • Beam distance of up to 689 feet
  • Lightweight and durable aluminum body
  • Three step Quick-Cycle Switch function - press for maximum light, click for high light, click again for low light
  • 4 AAA batteries and sheath included

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