
Buy Gerber 31-001028 Bear Grylls Hands Free Torch AAA Light with Battery Storage Online Shop

Gerber 31-001028 Bear Grylls Hands Free Torch AAA Light with Battery Storage

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Gerber 31-001028 Bear Grylls Hands Free Torch AAA Light with Battery Storage
When solving problems in the wild you need three things, your head, your hands and your tools. The hands fee torch frees up your hands to work in concert with your head and your tool. The elastic headband offers storage for an additional battery and the adjustable lamp has three settings. Bright, low and off. Bear says it best, "When all is dark, shine on."

Gerber 31-001028 Bear Grylls Hands Free Torch AAA Light with Battery Storage

  • Elastic headband offers storage for an additional battery
  • Adjustable soft elastic headband virtually fits any individual
  • Three settings, bright, low and off

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