
you looking for cheaper Energizer Night Strike LED Light with Swivel Head?

Buy Energizer Night Strike LED Light with Swivel Head Online Store

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Energizer Night Strike LED Light with Swivel Head and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Energizer Night Strike LED Light with Swivel Head Specification

  • 13 light modes with three levels of light for each of four LED colors
  • Head swivels 130 degrees and flat base allows light to stand steadily for hands-free use
  • Dedicated switches for all LEDs; flat base allows light to stand steadily
  • Sturdy proprietary polymer construction; survives 15-foot drop
  • Powered by one or two AA batteries; backed by limited lifetime warranty

Energizer Night Strike LED Light with Swivel Head Overview

The Energizer Night Strike 2AA Swivel light features a powerful CREE LED which provides 100 lumens of bright, white light in high mode as well as four Nichia LEDs which provide red, green, blue and ultraviolet light. The white, red, green and blue LEDs can be operated at high, medium or low at the same time offering tremendous flexibility in the field. [else][endif] [if
  • 13 light modes with three levels of light for each of four LED colors
  • Head swivels 130 degrees and flat base allows light to stand steadily for hands-free use
  • Dedicated switches for all LEDs; flat base allows light to stand steadily
  • Sturdy proprietary polymer construction; survives 15-foot drop
  • Powered by one or two AA batteries; backed by limited lifetime warranty

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