
you looking for low price Rayovac SPHLTLED-B Sportsman LED Headlight?

Buy Rayovac SPHLTLED-B Sportsman LED Headlight Sale

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Rayovac SPHLTLED-B Sportsman LED Headlight and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

Now the prices down even more urgent look at all the other check prices before the end of time.

Rayovac SPHLTLED-B Sportsman LED Headlight Specification

  • This 3 function Rayovac headlight is a long lasting bright hands free source for light
  • This lightweight weatherproof headlight includes a 2 way adjustable head strap with pivoting angles
  • Two red led?s in this Sportsman headlight gives improved night vision and one white led for close up use and a long range krypton for distance
  • This headlight has a battery life up to 200 hours when used on led setting
  • Beam brightness, 2900 peak beam candlepower

Rayovac SPHLTLED-B Sportsman LED Headlight Overview

RAYOVAC½ hands-free 3-in-1 LED Head-Lite offers 3 different lights: 1 white LED for close range; 2 red LED's for night vision; 1 bright Krypton bulb for a long range beam. [else][endif] [if
  • This 3 function Rayovac headlight is a long lasting bright hands free source for light
  • This lightweight weatherproof headlight includes a 2 way adjustable head strap with pivoting angles
  • Two red led?s in this Sportsman headlight gives improved night vision and one white led for close up use and a long range krypton for distance
  • This headlight has a battery life up to 200 hours when used on led setting
  • Beam brightness, 2900 peak beam candlepower

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