
Best Cheap Petzl E98 PP ZIPKA PLUS² Headlamp, Pistachio Online Store

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Petzl E98 PP ZIPKA PLUS² Headlamp, Pistachio Features

  • Compact, light and comfortable
  • Versatile and powerful
  • One high-output white LED: 50 lumens
  • Easy to use: electronic push-button switch, battery pack is easy to open, ADAPT system is quick to mount
  • Reliable: push-button switch limits inadvertently turning on the lamp during storage

Petzl E98 PP ZIPKA PLUS² Headlamp, Pistachio Overview

The Petzl Zipka Plus 2 Headlamp features a retractable strap that makes it the ideal just-incase light. You can stick it in your pocket and wonAAAt notice it until you need it. Plus, you can wrap this Petzl headlamp around your bikeAAAs handlebar, around a tent pole, or around the branch on a tree to put light wherever you need it. The Zipka Plus 2 also features a focused LED bulb that gives you improved range for route finding and a low-level LED that saves tons of battery power.

Product Features
  • Bulb Type: regular LED, high-outut LED
  • Power Source: AAA
  • Backup Power Source: no
  • Battery Location: front
  • Batteries Included:
  • Headband Type: single elastic strap
  • Tiltable Housing: yes
  • Burn Time:
  • Voltage Regulator: no
  • Modes:
  • Bulbs:
  • Lumens:
  • Range:
  • Waterproof:
  • Weight: (with batteries) 2.5 oz
  • Recommended Use: hiking, climbing, backpacking
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year

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