
you looking for low-priced LED Lenser 880038 H5 LED Headlamp, Black/Red?

Save On LED Lenser 880038 H5 LED Headlamp, Black/Red Online Store

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells LED Lenser 880038 H5 LED Headlamp, Black/Red and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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LED Lenser 880038 H5 LED Headlamp, Black/Red Specification

  • 23 Lumens
  • 10 Hour burn time on 3XAAA
  • Focusable beam
  • Swivelling head
  • Advanced Focus System allows for multiple beam positions

LED Lenser 880038 H5 LED Headlamp, Black/Red Overview

The LED Lenser H5 headlamp does more than just look elegant. Its special optics focus the super-bright light of the LED in a particularly effective way or expands it by turning the lens, so that a broad, circular low beam is generated. The lamp head can be swiveled within an angle of 90 degrees. A soft headband and the fact that the lamp weighs so little make it really comfortable to wear. Thanks to a red backlight, the LED LENSER® H5 is ideal for joggers and walkers at night. [else][endif] [if
  • 23 Lumens
  • 10 Hour burn time on 3XAAA
  • Focusable beam
  • Swivelling head
  • Advanced Focus System allows for multiple beam positions

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