
Save On Fenix E21 Flashlight Store

you looking for cheap Fenix E21 Flashlight?

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Fenix E21 Flashlight Features

  • LED outputs 150 lumens (2.15 hrs runtime) on high and 48 lumens (11 hrs runtime) on low are selected by simple twist of the lights head
  • Beam provides balanced spot to spill light reaching over 439 ft on high
  • Tactical push button tail cap switch provides momentary operation when pushed half way
  • Body Size: 6.5" (Length) x 1" (Diameter); 3 ounces; Waterproof to IPX-8 Standard
  • Powered by 2 AA batteries; easy to find and affordable (Not Included)

Fenix E21 Flashlight Overview

The E21 is a two stage light made with simple operation in mind. By the easy twist of the head, the owner can go from a long runtime 48 lumen beam to a long reaching 150 lumen beam. Add the fact that it runs off of affordable and easy to find AA batteries and this could be the perfect light for all adventures, where ever you may be. Product Features: * Cree XP-E LED with lifespan 50,000 hrs * Uses two 2 AA (Alkaline, Ni-MH) batteries * Max Brightness: 150 lumens * Low Bright: 48 lumens * 6.5" (Length) x 1" (Diameter) * Weight: 3oz * Output: 2 types * Patented physical structure avoid circuit damaging from reverse connection of battery * Tactical push-button tail cap switch * Toughened ultra-clear double glass lens with anti-reflective coating * Waterproof to IPX-8 Standard

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