
Save On Pelican 2010N Nemo Dive Series Light (Yellow) Online Store

Pelican 2010N Nemo Dive Series Light (Yellow)

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Pelican 2010N Nemo Dive Series Light (Yellow)
The Nemo 2010 Recoil LED is Pelican's flagship LED flashlight. Recoil LED Technology produces a white collimated beam that's as bright as an incandescent light and provides 10,000 hours of lamp life and extended battery burn time. The rugged, light weight ABS resin body is submersible to 500 feet and a twist on/off lens shroud eliminates accidental discharge. It is powered by 3 C alkaline cells. The Nemo 2010 is the future of LEDs.

Pelican 2010N Nemo Dive Series Light (Yellow)

  • Includes light.
  • Pelican Nemo Dive Series lights are underwater tested at over 100 PSI.
  • 50 hrs. battery burn time
  • 32 Lumens from a Recoil LED light source. Pelican products come with unconditional lifetime guarantee. Pelican products will be replaced or you will be refunded on any dissatisfaction, through the original dealer.
  • Pelican Products have life time warranty defects in workmanship. Lifetime guarantee does not cover the lamp or batteries. The above guarantee does not cover shark bite, bear attack or children under 5.

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