
you looking for super-cheap Petzl E49P TacTikka Plus 4-LED Headlamp, Black?

Save On Petzl E49P TacTikka Plus 4-LED Headlamp, Black Online Shop

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Petzl E49P TacTikka Plus 4-LED Headlamp, Black Specification

  • LED headlamp with adjustable headband
  • Designed for early morning fishing, but also suitable for hiking, climbing, camping
  • Three lighting levels and pull-down red filter
  • Includes 3 AAA batteries
  • 3-year guarantee

Petzl E49P TacTikka Plus 4-LED Headlamp, Black Overview

The TacTikka Plus is a tactical version of the popular TikkaPlus headlamp. It uses 4 LEDs and push button technology, has tiltable housing, 3 brightness settings, and current regulation for when battery power runs down. It also features a red flipdown lens for night vision, and includes 3 AAA batteries for up to 150 hours of burn time. [else][endif] [if
  • LED headlamp with adjustable headband
  • Designed for early morning fishing, but also suitable for hiking, climbing, camping
  • Three lighting levels and pull-down red filter
  • Includes 3 AAA batteries
  • 3-year guarantee

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